
Question of the month: Do I have to offer COBRA to an employee I fired for misconduct?
Our alphabet soup expert explains why you just may want to offer COBRA to an employee who may not deserve it.

Question of the month: Can we double dip on our DCAP?
Is it possible for spouses to both utilize Dependent Care Assistance Plans to lower care expenses? It’s our question of the month.

Have employees in Seattle? What employers need to know about the new Transit Benefits Ordinance.
The Seattle City Council just passed an ordinance required employers to offer a Qualified Transportation Plan. Regardless of where you are based, if you have employees working in Seattle, you need to read this.

Is an HRA a COBRA eligible benefit?
Just because your plan document says the HRA is not available to terminated employees, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s following the rules.

It’s tricky business: Leaves of Absence for Health FSA Participants
How you handle Leaves of Absence for Health FSA participants is particularly complicated due to the potential risks to the employer. Here’s how your company can cope with this tricky situation.

A POP is still a Cafeteria Plan, that means there are still rules and requirements to be followed.

Cannabis is legal here. Can I run it through my FSA?
This inquiry is becoming increasingly popular. Our guru, Gina, takes on this burning question!

The Mysterious Case of Misinformation, L&I Claims and Benefit Continuation
If an employee gets injured on the job and files an L&I claim, do you keep him on benefits? There is a right answer, although it’s not always the one given.

Can I run day camp through my DCAP?
Be it soccer, science or just plain fun, Gina tackles what summertime camps can be covered by a Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP).

Pros and Cons of FSAs, HRAs and HSAs
When it comes to pre-tax benefit programs, there is no one-size-fits-all. Here’s an overview of the pluses and minuses of FSAs, HRAs and HSAs to get the conversation started.

June Question of the Month: How much should I save in my FSA?
Knowing how much to contribute to an FSA can be challenging. Gina offers advice in our Question of the Month.

COBRA: The case for the Third-Party Administrator
COBRA administration is more than just mailing a notice to terminated employees. If you have clients self-administering, you need to read this!