
COVID-19 Pandemic: the impact on Alphabet Soup programs
These are uncertain times, and we may not know all the answers, but here is what we do know about how the Coronavirus outbreak is impacting all the alphabet soup programs.

Say what? Curious questions we get asked about FSA or HSA reimbursements.
Many surprising things are eligible for reimbursement from an FSA or HSA. Here’s just a few of them.

Question of the month: Can I get reimbursed for pet expenses from my HSA?
This is the question everyone wants to know the answer to at HSA & FSA enrollment meetings.

Equal rights for COBRA participants at open enrollment
Active employees get information and time to make benefit elections at enrollment, COBRA participants are entitled to the same rights.

Unlike an FSA or HRA, HSA participants have some forms they need to file along with their tax returns. Find out more.

Moving at the speed of data: Electronic Data Transfer
This renewal season, we’re working to remove the redundancy of transmitting plan data. Here’s how.

Question of the month: Is Lasik FSA eligible?
Looking to get your eyes fixed? Find out if it’s an FSA eligible expense in our Question of the Month.

Just the FAQs – Seattle’s Commuter Benefits Ordinance
On January 1, 2020, employers in Seattle with more than 20 employees (worldwide) will need to comply with the new transit ordinance. Here are all the answers to the burning questions about the Ordinance, and a key unanswered question as well.

Question of the Month: Is a breast reduction an eligible expense?
This month, Gina answers whether a participant can be reimbursed for a breast reduction procedure.

We are big proponents of saving HSA dollars for future medical expenses, so this question caught our eye. The answer is fairly cut and dry, but with all things alphabet soup, there are some caveats.

The FSA secret to success for a super pre-tax smile – reimbursement for orthodontia
Getting the maximum benefit of FSA reimbursement from orthodontia treatments can be tricky. Here’s our secret to success.

It’s an Alphabet Soup Frenzy: Hello EBHRA (part 2 of a 2-part article)
Last month we reviewed the new ICHRA, this month we’re exploring the new Excepted Benefit HRA (EBHRA). Find out what it is, how it works and which clients may want to make the switch.