
Question of the Month: Are SAD Treatments FSA/HSA eligible?
With winter approaching, one wonders, are treatments for Seasonal Affective Disorder reimbursable expenses in FSAs and HSAs?

Balancing Benefits and Flexibility: Lifestyle Spending Accounts
Looking for a way to provide a benefit that you can tailor to your budget AND employees’ needs? Check out an LSA – it’s the ultimate in benefit flexibility.

ICHRA affordability: When an employee (or employer) should just say no to employer contributions.
ICHRAs can be a great tool for employers looking to provide healthcare benefits, but it’s important to make sure they are affordable for both the employer and the employees.

Question of the month: Are OTC hearing aids an eligible expense?
In fall 2022 many hearing aids will be available without a prescription, but will they be FSA/HSA eligible? Gina explains.

Question of the month: Are my medical travel expenses FSA eligible?
If you can’t find a doctor locally, are your expenses to travel for a procedure eligible for FSA reimbursement? Gina has the answers.

Weighing the pros & cons of going all in with SBA on COBRA
Is it worth splitting off COBRA administration to a client’s medical plan trust administrator? You be the judge. We take a look at what that scenario would mean to the client and their participants.

Question of the month: What children’s products are FSA eligible?
Tired parents rejoice! Gina shares what children’s products are FSA eligible.

Dependent dependencies – when must a child fly the coop from their parents’ benefit plans?
When is your child no longer a dependent when it comes to your medical plan, FSA or HSA? We spell it out.

FSA & HRA Assets: It’s a Matter of Trust
There are options for how FSA/HRA contributions are held, SBA holding them is not one of them. Gina explains.

Question of the Month: What allergy products are FSA/HSA eligible?
It’s allergy season. Can you purchase products with FSA/HSA funds? Our expert has the answer.

Question of the month: Should we offer COBRA payments as a part of a severance package?
Sometimes good intentions come with unexpected consequences. Is this the case with adding COBRA payments to severance packages?

True to size: why it’s important to be accurate about your COBRA count
It can cost you if you tell an insurance carrier that your company is COBRA eligible when it’s not. Here’s why.