Dear Gina – I’m a sleep-deprived parent with a very active toddler. I’m up to my elbows in dirty diapers, A & D Ointment for diaper rash and Amoxicillin for ear infections – you name it. I’m too tired, busy and stressed to research if any of these are eligible expenses for reimbursement from my Flexible Spending Account.
Answer: Unfortunately, diapers are not an eligible expense for children (they are, however, for adults with an incontinence medical condition). But there is a long list of “yes.” A & D Ointment for diaper rash, yes. Amoxicillin, yes. Over-the-counter medication for colds, allergies, diarrhea, first aid creams, Bactine, Band-Aids, Neosporin, insect bite creams, sunburn cream, laxatives, all yes. Dentist recommended fluoride treatments, yes. Immunizations, yes. Medical alert bracelet, yes. I hope I saved you some time. Hang in there!
– Gina